ReachGlobal Crisis Response

Crisis creates a mission field where we can share the love of Christ with those in need.

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An Open Door in Florida

New Opportunities to Make Disciples

Paul says, “But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, because a wide door for effective ministry has opened for me—yet many oppose me” (1 Cor. 16:8-9). This resonates with ReachGlobal Crisis Response's experience in Fort Myers; the aftermath of Hurricane Ian has created a broad opportunity for ministry, but we have faced some opposition. As we approach the two-year mark since the storm, we continue to see God drawing people to Himself through this event. We've had the privilege of being a tangible expression of His profound love for His people. Yet over the past two years, there have been numerous moments when we considered leaving this area, thinking that the challenges might be insurmountable and that we were up against a bureaucracy we couldn’t overcome. However, God, in His remarkable ways, opened doors for ministry while shutting out the bureaucratic obstacles. Through it all, His name is being honored and glorified by the Body of Christ.

A Step Back In Time

When we walked in Suzan’s home it was as if we had stepped back in time to just days or weeks after the storm. She had no walls, no electricity, no floors, no subfloors even! All that was left was the shell of her home. As Suzan learned that we would work on her home, tears fell down her cheeks. She apologized for crying and repeatedly stated, “I had given up hope.” 

A volunteer working to prepare the joists to hold a sub-floor.

Suzan’s home is next door to Mike’s where we'd been working for about 7 weeks, and we were just finishing the last small details. Mike introduced us to Suzan and said she was a woman who needed help. Suzan did need help- she certainly needed physical help, but more than that, she needed emotional and spiritual help. She had given up hope and was going to walk away from her gutted home. We started with the subfloor. We spent a good week just prepping the floor joists for subfloor and then putting down insulation and vapor barrier. To our staff it seemed like progress was dreadfully slow. 

During the second week, we had about ¾ of the subfloor in and Suzan walked in her house and literally jumped up and down and giggling, she said, “I have a home.” Our staff member, Katrina, thought, “Well, you have a partial floor.” But Kat will never forget the smile on Suzan's face as she jumped up and down. Suzan works alongside the team daily and canceled a week of vacation this year so she could be with the team. She sweats alongside everyone else. We are blessed to have this extended time of interaction with her, because many of our homeowners can't be present during the workday.

Only by God’s grace have we been able to do this work. It is hot in South Florida! It is well over 100 degrees every day with ridiculous humidity. But God has protected the teams who are serving, He has provided for Suzan's needs, and He has allowed for open conversations with both Mike and Suzan. This is why we have an open door for ministry.  Both Mike and Suzan profess to know the Lord, but they have no relationship with Him and have a false belief in good works.  But both have had amazing questions and conversations with team members about being saved by grace and not through works.  The other day Mike told our staff, “Kat, I am now reading my Bible every day.”  The first week we worked with Mike the volunteers gave him a bible.  Just last week, our staff talked with Mike and Suzan about hosting a Bible study in their respective homes.   As we move forward with work on their homes, we are moving forward with spiritual conversations, and we have daily discipleship opportunities.

Praying for Transformation

Mike has introduced us to several other people in the community and we are hopeful that, just as we saw transformation in the first community we worked in, we will begin to see similar changes here. Incredible things continue to unfold in that original community in Bonita Springs. The women in our Bible study are actively inviting their friends, and many of the ladies we’ve discipled are now reaching out to those who don’t yet have a relationship with the Lord. It’s inspiring to witness these women grasp new insights from Scripture, eagerly explore it on their own, and come to our study with thoughtful questions. The men are also growing in their faith. Recently, John, with tears in his eyes, shared with Katrina, “God touched my heart. I know He touched me.” It’s worth noting that John, just two years ago, felt that God wouldn’t or couldn’t love him because of his past actions.

As hurricane season is upon us again, we look at the forecasts and wonder what new doors will be opened for ministry. Meteorologists are predicting a storm laden September. We will host no teams in Florida or Louisiana during September to allow us to be more prepared to respond. Please keep ReachGlobal Crisis Response in your prayers as we prepare for a busy fall, and pray specifically that those we are ministering to will come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. To participate in the work that God is doing in Florida, email to bring a team from your church.

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