Having the Right Tools
Starting Healing Conversations
Emily came on a team this summer and participated in the Trauma Care Training on a Tuesday night. The next morning, she had the opportunity to sit and talk with a little girl who had been through a lot in her short 10 years of life. Emily sat down on the floor beside her and just talked with her for more than an hour and asked her questions. Emily said, “I was equipped with the knowledge to let her guide our conversation and ask her questions that helped her articulate the trauma she had endured. It made us feel like we had known each other for years.”
For the last several months, each team in Lake Charles, Louisiana was offered the opportunity to take part in a Trauma Care Training as a part of their trip. We have seen God use these trainings over and over again in such amazing ways. Many of our volunteers have shared that the insight in the training gave them tools for listening well and helping people process what they’ve been through. From asking powerful questions and listening well, our teams have been putting the training into practice within the community in Lake Charles, and are taking it home too!
Another volunteer finished a Trauma Care Training and said he realized this is something he could take home and utilize within his own family. So often we can jump to only meeting a physical need. We can easily forget there are emotional, relational, intellectual and spiritual needs that run deep within all of us, and our greatest mission field is with the people we talk to every day.
We hope to offer these trainings to all of our teams at all four of our Crisis Response sites next year, as well as offering offsite trainings in your communities. If you are interested offering a Trauma Care training for your church, small group, or Bible study please email us! We would love to help come alongside you and equip you with tools that can bring help, hope, and healing and build relationships with those around you.
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