We are better together!
It all started on August 25, 2017, when Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast. ReachGlobal Crisis Response formed a partnership with Bayshore Bible Church in Corpus Christi. As a member of Bayshore, Kevin Saegert felt moved to help those in the surrounding communities of Rockport, Aransas Pass, Ingleside, and Port Aransas. These communities were hit hard by Hurricane Harvey and through the help of countless volunteers from around the country, so many lives would forever be changed. Those lives include Bob and Maddie, who had not darkened the doorway of a church in over 20 years. Crisis Response helped rebuild their home, and then they hosted a Bible study for others affected by Hurricane Harvey. Janie had given up hope until Kevin showed up to share the love of Christ with her and also shared that we could help to rebuild their home. Now, Janie and her husband, Leon are attending Bayshore and found new life in Christ. After being duped by a contractor, we gutted Randy & Nancy’s home, had supplies donated and helped rebuild their home. They have since been hosting a Bible Study in their home.
Three years later, we continue to serve these communities and we are planting a church, Reflection Church, in Rockport. After serving with our ministry as a site supervisor for two years, Kevin was approved by the EFCA TX-OK District and then commissioned by the Elders at Bayshore to be the planting pastor. Kevin has gathered a core group of people who are excited about starting this church, many of whom are homeowners of homes that were rebuilt with the help of Crisis Response, including Bob and Maddie, Leon and Janie, and Randy and Nancy.
Thank you to everyone that has helped to make this possible! Without partner churches and volunteers, we would not have come this far in the Hurricane Harvey Response. We are pleased to let you know that Reflection Church's first Sunday service will be November 1, 2020. If you would like more information on how you can help, email kevin@reflectionrf.org or if you would like to help financially through the EFCA click here. Reflection Church is in the process of leasing a building in Rockport, so they will soon need to purchase sound and media equipment, portable outdoor/indoor signage, and promotional material. Join us in prayer as Reflection Church seeks to launch their Sunday services early next year. ReachGlobal Crisis Response, Bayshore Bible Church, Reflection Church, and the EFCA Texas-Oklahoma District are rebuilding homes and restoring lives. We are better together!
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