SBC Resolutions - All 9 Resolutions Passed
Here is the blog post chronicling the June 20, 2012 SBC meeting: Three Resolutions were passed in the morning.
10:19 a.m. -- The Committee on Resolutions' scheduled time has passed, with only three resolutions having been debated (sinner's prayer, On Appreciation, On 200 Years of Baptist Ministry in Louisiana). All passed. The other six resolutions will be considered at 4:05 p.m.
The remaining six Resolutions were passed in the late afternoon.
4:20 p.m. -- Messengers moment ago passed six resolutions, including one on "Cooperation and the Doctrine of Salvation" and another on gay marriage and civil rights rhetoric. All resolutions passed overwhelmingly.
You can read all nine Resolutions at the link above, which will be found at “7:50 a.m. -- Messengers this morning will consider nine resolutions.”
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