Matt Proctor
Matt Proctor has served as pastor at Cornerstone Church (EFCA) in Marion, Iowa, since 2010. He and his wife, Carrie, have four children. Matt loves playing and coaching sports, reading books of all genres, and investing in relationships among neighbors and friends.
Post List
Viewing 7 of 7 posts

Loving and Leading the Glorious Small Church
Rejoicing in the days of small things (Zechariah 4:10)
Matt Proctor
July 24, 2016
Book Review: 30 Events That Shaped the Church
Michael Mauriello
Matt Proctor
September 06, 2015
Alarming Statistic, Alarming Consequences
Matt Proctor
January 05, 2014
Book Review: The Deep Things of God
Michael Herrington
Matt Proctor
September 26, 2012
Book Review: Folly, Grace and Power
Dan Benson
Bob Manuel
Matt Proctor
April 11, 2012
Thriving or Diving as an Emerging Leader
Matt Proctor
March 27, 2012