Leading churches

5 Books Every Leader Should Read

Apart from the favor of God, everything rises and falls on leadership.There is nothing that impacts what we do, besides God, more than leadership. However, leadership isn’t only an innate trait. It takes development, cultivation and growth.

As an avid student of leaders and leadership, these five books should be read by every aspiring leader:

Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John Maxwell: This is considered “the” book on leadership. I found myself writing down these laws and keeping close track of how often I ran into them each day…I lost count. If you can only read one book on this list, make it this one.

Spiritual Leadership – J. Oswald Sanders: I first read this book in my undergrad leadership course. It completely changed my perspective on leadership, specifically leadership in the Church.

Under the Unpredictable Plant – Eugene Peterson: This book is more obscure than the others; however, it is probably the most life-shaping book on this list. Peterson looks at leadership in ministry through the lens of the story of Jonah. This book is humbling, sobering and uncomfortably accurate in his handling of Christian ministry.

Amplified Leadership: 5 Practices to Establish Influence, Build People, and Impact Others for a Lifetime – Dan Reiland: If you are looking for a book on how to develop leaders, there’s no better book. This book is not only practical, but can be used as a step-by-step guide to developing your leaders.

Good to Great – Jim Collins: What takes an organization from good to great? This book gives great insight into what type of leaders can move something from good to great. The principles highlighted are useful in your daily ministry.

What book would you add to the list?

*Bonus Book (In the Name of Jesus, by Henri Nouwen. This is a paradigm-shifting book on Christian leadership).

Ben Phillips

Ben is a pastor to students and families at Rockpoint Church, in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. His engagement in student ministry, in various capacities, spans more than 15 years. Ben is driven by the gospel and helping Christ followers grow in their understanding of the gospel's impact on every area of life. A student of good leadership, Ben loves developing other leaders by helping them discover and nurture their God-given gifts. Ben is married to Anika and has a young son, Lochlan. Ben loves basketball, Baked Lays, white mochas and movies.

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