
Post List

Viewing 12 of 51 posts

Open to God’s Agenda

How an innovative internship changed a missionary’s trajectory—and a church’s heart for missions.

  • Amy Medina

May 28, 2024

Fighting the Good Fight in Ukraine

Despite heartbreak, setbacks and war, Pam D’Andre is focused on being salt and light amid a war zone.

  • EFCA Communications

May 07, 2024

Hollow Christmas in Japan

The people of Japan celebrate Christmas. Most don’t know it’s about Jesus (Part 3).

  • Melanie Brunell

December 21, 2023

Kinshasa Christmas

Like fireworks against a night sky, the hope of Christ is a bright light amidst the uncertainty of this world (Part 2).

  • Emily Hochstetler

December 20, 2023

Learning from COVID-19

A ReachGlobal missionary’s on-field experience with a pandemic

  • A ReachGlobal missionary

March 12, 2020