church history
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J.G. Princell: A Father of the Early Free Church
Theologian, pastor and author, he trained the pastors that would shape the Free Church for generations.

Founding the “Un-Denomination”
Early Swedish Free Church leaders didn't want to form a denomination. It happened anyway.

A Newspaperman After God's Heart
John Martenson united the early Free Church with the Chicago-Bladet.

The First Missionary Candidate School
In 1951, the EFCA’s missionary training program established a foundation for future growth.

Steadfast Since 1884
140 years ago, the Danish-Norweigan Free Church planted its first church. It still stands strong today.

Melito of Sardis: Homily on the Pasch
A reading and reflection at Easter

Reading and Praying the Psalms: Thoughts and Resources
Additional guidance and encouragement for reading through Psalms

Corporate Prayer on the Lord's Day
Grant us, Lord, to hope on Your name

Patrick of Ireland: A Missionary to His Captors
Remembering and reflecting on the life of Patrick this St. Patrick's Day

AD 2020: Global Year of the Bible
The EFCA joins WEA and NAE in Bible-reading focus for new year