Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis is director of EFCA Crisis Response. He and his family live in New Orleans, from which he travels to Haiti or Japan or wherever needed, to make disciples and multiply transformational churches in the wake of crises.
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Viewing 8 of 8 posts

Louisiana floods bring opportunity to reach out
Being the outstretched hands of Jesus
Mark Lewis
August 19, 2016

The World and US
The greatest migration of people provides a greater opportunity
Mark Lewis
June 23, 2016
Nepal Earthquake Response: Grieving Loss in the Church
Mark Lewis
May 06, 2015
Hurricane Katrina: Still Rebuilding Nearly 10 Years Later
Remember, realize, respond
Mark Lewis
March 03, 2015
Servants Now Victims
Mark Lewis
May 01, 2014
What Are We Doing?
Mark Lewis
May 02, 2011