A story of Hope in Congo!

In 2006, one of our first boys to be sponsored by GlobalFingerprints was a 7 year old named Mohamat. His dad was a Chadian soldier during Congo’s Civil War, and had been killed. Mohamat’s family was all Muslim, and his mom was struggling to meet the needs of Mohamet and his little brother Ramadan. A sponsor was found. On his first day to receive a backpack and school supplies, he never showed up, and our Supervisor went looking for him. Mohamat was on a mat in their small hut, burning with fever and in lots of pain. A few nights before, he had fallen in a large hole and broken his leg. The bone was protruding through his skin.
Because Mohamat was one of our kids, our Supervisor quickly found a truck to transport him 79 km to Tandala Hospital. For 5 months, he and his mom and little brother lived at Tandala, where he had multiple surgeries and was in traction. Finally, he returned home with a healed leg. When I visited him, he whispered to me, “I thought I would die, but I’m alive!”
During their hospsital stay, Ramadan, his 5 year old brother, went to morning chapel and learned songs about Jesus. Before returning home, Ramadan asked his mom if he could become a Christian. Their mom answered that, through Christians they had experiences the love of God, so yes, he could follow Jesus.
Mohamat’s mom had other children left behind in Chad and wanted to return to find them. When she came to tell me, she said that she wanted to leave Mohamat behind because God had saved him through Christians, and she wanted him to be raised by Christians. Mama Francoise, our Program Manager now, was at that time our Treasurer. Her husband was Muslim. When she had followed Christ in baptism, her husband had rejected her and left. She had 5 children of her own – and one of them was named Mohamat! They became Mohamat 1 and Mohamat 2, and he quickly became a part of the family.
Today, Mohamat is 17 years old, and will be graduating from high school next year. He loves Jesus, loves church and praising God with all his heart. This past semester, he was #1 in his class! He is best friends and brothers with Mohamat 1, but best of all, brothers in Christ!
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