Making disciples

Cultivate disciples at home and around the world.

Post List

Viewing 12 of 138 posts

A Prayer for the Next Generation

A call to prayer for students in our churches and the upcoming Challenge conference in Kansas City.

  • Daniel Olson

June 26, 2024

Women of the Book

Why we need women in EFCA churches who can faithfully interpret the Bible.

  • Jane Schaible

May 21, 2024

Fighting the Good Fight in Ukraine

Despite heartbreak, setbacks and war, Pam D’Andre is focused on being salt and light amid a war zone.

  • EFCA Communications

May 07, 2024

Podcasting as Discipleship

How our church found a creative way to bridge the gap between Sunday mornings.

  • Jonathan Haefs

April 30, 2024

God Speaks a New Identity Over Your Teens

An excerpt from "More to the Story: Deep Answers to Real Questions on Attraction, Identity, and Relationships" by Jennifer Kvamme.

  • Jennifer M. Kvamme

February 07, 2024

On Staying Put

Being part of a community isn’t always easy. That doesn’t mean we should forget its benefits.

  • Jennifer M. Kvamme

July 18, 2023