Behind the Scenes of Take Heart
What began as a simple Christmas message quickly grew in scope.
This Christmas, the EFCA is focusing on stories about “taking heart.” This campaign was created to recognize stories of restoration in our movement and to fund reconciling work in broken places of the world.
About the Theme
Take Heart isn’t a slogan; it’s the peace promised by our Savior. John 16:33b perfectly represents our feelings surrounding today’s difficult times: “Peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Despite the overwhelming tribulations all around us—and despite our own personal trials and storms—we are assured that we will see restoration. The birth of Jesus brings that hope: God’s perfect gift to reconcile the world. In the meantime, we live in the now-but-not-yet.
About the Campaign
We knew that believers all across the EFCA movement had untold stories to tell of personal trials and storms. We just never imagined the impact of simple questions to reveal them. So what began as a straightforward Christmas message quickly grew as we heard story after compelling story of restoration.
As a result, we expanded Take Heart to include resources, such as a downloadable Advent devotional for families, churches and communities—written by Greg Strand, executive director of theology and credentialing. We also wove together many of the stories we heard into a video about reconciling work: tales of combating human trafficking, of family restoration, of worldwide hurt and healing, and of taking heart during personal trials. We can’t thank our EFCA family enough for shining light on these stories.
From a small idea to a large-scale, worldwide staff initiative, this experience has inspired us that if anyone should take heart, it’s Christians. After all, we serve an awe-inspiring God. Whatever the future brings, we know the peace He provides and can pass along that hope and peace to others: Take heart—He has overcome the world.
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