Making disciples

Enrique’s Transformation in Staten Island

How God broke into a man's life 20 months after Hurricane Sandy

In broken English, and not knowing the right words, he says, “I can feel the brotherhood.”

God’s Kingdom is growing in Staten Island. Enrique has been living in a home with no walls, no hot water, no solid roof, and no electricity since Hurricane Sandy almost 20 months ago. From the first time we had met Enrique, we knew God was working in him. The joy he possesses can only be from God.

On Monday afternoon, Enrique called me over to him and he said, “Katrina, I do not know what happened yesterday at church, I just wanted to cry, I felt so light I could fly.” Enrique says that in general, he can only understand about 50 percent of English. Yet, Enrique was smiling when he told me he had understood all but three words in this particular service. Enrique had attended just one church service prior to Salem Church’s baptism service.

He spoke of having goosebumps and a feeling he had never had.

For two weeks the team had been working with, praying with, and witnessing to Enrique. The culmination came when Enrique asked if he could say the prayer of salvation with the team. Enrique didn’t ask for direction, he just knew what to say and how to say it. As we said that we were happy and rejoicing for him, he says, “not as happy as I am.” On sharing night, Enrique was given a Spanish/English parallel Bible that many of the team members signed. As Enrique cried so did the whole room. It was such a blessing to witness.

Katie Manning

Mark and Katie Manning, along with their three children, are missionaries with EFCA ReachGlobal and serve on the Crisis Response ministry team.  Mark serves as a Construction Supervisor and Katie serves as an Associate Director.  They have served in response to crises in New Orleans, LA, Columbia, SC, Houston, TX, and now Lake Charles, LA. 

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