Making disciples

Evangelism as a Process Rather Than an Event

Simple steps for the journey.

Too often, living “sent” to reach our friends, family and co-workers with the gospel is something we treat as an event rather than as a process. Evangelism is actually about cooperating with the Holy Spirit in someone’s journey toward Jesus. This means that both of us are on a journey with God together.

A simple way to help others in your church understand how these journeys intersect is captured in this illustration:

God has already placed you within a mission field. Therefore, lift up your eyes and see the people in your relational sphere of influence. As you identify those friends God is calling you to draw close to, you engage in what Cadre Ministries calls the John 3:16 factor1—a list of things you can do to cooperate with God as you walk alongside people in their journeys toward Jesus:

Intercede. Love the Lord. Making a difference in your world requires the power of the Holy Spirit. Connect with the heart of God via prayer for those He has placed in your sphere of influence.

Invest. Be a friend. The natural result of connecting with God’s heart through prayer is a desire to love people with God’s love. Explore how Jesus intentionally befriended those around Him—and how you can follow His example.

God has already placed you within a mission field.

Intersect. Truth and grace. As Jesus walked the earth, He intersected God’s truth with God’s grace as He interacted with people. Explore how to bring God’s truth and grace to those in your relational sphere of influence.

Invite. Share God’s story. God uses ordinary people like you and me to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Explore how to clearly share God’s story and your own God story, and how to invite others into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Take your next step

1. Download a free article for a taste of the Evangelism Is Relationships training.

2. Host an Evangelism Is Relationships training experience at your church. The EFCA has multiple certified trainers.

3. Get certified to be a trainer yourself. You’ll receive 10 workbooks, 10 living guides, all the presentation slides and two days of rubbing shoulders with other multipliers.

4. Share with someone else how you make living “sent” a normal way of life personally and throughout your church.

For more information on any of these next steps, contact EFCA ReachStudents.


These concepts are more thoroughly unpacked in Evangelism Is Relationships, an interactive training experience created by our friends at Cadre Ministries.

Shane Stacey

Shane Stacey is national director of ReachStudents and a member of First EFC in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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