How My Church Chose to Celebrate Life
National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 21
Each of us was delicately, deliberately formed in a mother’s womb—in the image of a holy, creative, omniscient God. On January 21, 2018, we celebrate the holiness of every life we encounter, regardless of age or stage, similarities to us or vast differences. This all-encompassing affirmation of dignity is truly what the term pro-life stands for.
We also voice special affirmation for those without their own voices to speak: the unborn. As your church prepares to honor National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 21, consider how you might celebrate all the lives among you.
EFCA Pastor Highland Goodman tells how the value of human life came home to him with great force one unexpected day:
The doorbell rang as it had done countless times before. Standing on our doorstep were our church’s youth pastor and our daughter’s best friend, and so it was from them that we learned the news: Our 23-year-old single daughter was pregnant and we were going to be grandparents.
My wife and I looked at each other in shock and disbelief, knowing that our lives would never be the same. . . .

If you missed the rest of his story, which published here in November, take a few minutes to read how Highland, his wife and their entire church responded to the unexpected news of new life. Highland could not imagine his life now without his much-cherished grandson, Justin.
How might your church honor National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday?
Download free bulletin inserts and explore other ways to prepare even more extensively for National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday next year.
Original lead photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash
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