Life-Changing BUMP Weeks

Bridging Urban Mission Project is a week-long urban mission experience for junior- and senior-high students, partnering with urban EFCA churches. BUMP weeks this summer occurred in Baltimore, New York City, St. Louis, Mo., and the Twin Cities.
In the Twin Cities, even record heat and humidity didn’t slow down the teams, who shared their faith at locations as diverse as the Mall of America, neighborhood wading pools and Urgent Care centers. On one amazing evening, every student from one 20-member team had the chance to communicate the gospel.
Here, a “BUMPer” from Southern Hills EFC (in Hot Springs, S.D.) concentrates on her artwork at the closing carnival at Payne Avenue EFC, in St. Paul, Minn.
Read a story about BUMP’s influence, and learn about opportunities for summer 2012.
photo credit: Rosanne Wood
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