More Than Human "Beings"
Listen to Tom Nelson on the doctrine of Creation and human work
During the 2019 Theology Conference, Dr. Tom Nelson, president of Made to Flourish and lead senior pastor of Christ Community Church (EFCA) in Leawood, Kansas, covered the Scriptural importance of work and vocation as it relates to our mission as followers of Jesus.
In Dr. Nelson’s lecture, “The Doctrine of Creation and Human Work,” he unpacked God’s vision for human work through the lens of Creation, Scripture and his own pastoral journey.
“In 2 Thessalonians 3:6-11, Paul—the one who cares for the poor, collects an offering for the poor, who believes in justice for the poor passionately—says, ‘someone’s unwilling (not unable) to work? They should not eat.’ Because Paul knew Torah. He knew the cultural mandate. He knew biblical anthropology that is not just, ‘we are human beings,’ [but] ‘we are also human doings in glorifying God.’ We are redeemed, not only to be new creations, but to do new creation work.” — Dr. Tom Nelson
Listen to the full lecture in the EFCA Theology Podcast episode, and stay tuned for the upcoming podcasts from the conference. If you missed other episodes from the conference, find them in the EFCA Theology Podcast archives.
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