Engaging culture

New Books by EFCA Authors

Book cover of UnBreakable
EFCA chaplain with the U.S. Army, Washington, D.C."]Military marriages face a special set of stresses, requiring a different set of resources.
Book cover of The Judges Testify of Christ and Give us Hope
This book is intended to help us discover how Judges testifies of Jesus, the Christ, and to determine how we may be comforted with hope as a result of the things we learn from Judges.
Book cover of The Power of Weakness: Embracing the True Source of Strength
“When I am weak, then I am strong.'' Do we really believe these words penned by the apostle Paul? If so, why do we often rely on our own wits, strength, and resources when the power that God holds is so much greater?
Book cover of If I'm a Christian, Why Am I Depressed?
If I'm a Christian, Why Am I Depressed? by Robert B. Somerville

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