The Doctrine of Creation and Human Stewardship
Listen to Jonathan Moo on the human factor and its impact on Creation
On the final day of the 2019 annual Theology Conference, Dr. Jonathan Moo spoke on “The Doctrine of Creation and Human Stewardship.”
Dr. Moo serves as associate professor of theology at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. Well-grounded in both Scripture and science, Dr. Moo challenged the audience to consider the human factor and climate change. He acknowledged the political controversy, debates and discussion about the role of creation care within the gospel.
"It is my conviction that perhaps the most important issue we face today is our relationship to Creation and how we faithfully care for it—especially for the poor who are affected most by our actions. Part of our faithful service and worship of God includes caring well for His Creation, and perhaps we may have failed in that in too many ways in recent times." — Dr. Jonathan Moo
Dr. Moo states that Scripture gives us a radical vision of the value of other life before God. Listen to the full lecture in the EFCA Theology Podcast episode, and stay tuned for the upcoming podcasts from the conference. If you missed other episodes from the conference, find them in the EFCA Theology Podcast archives
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