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Viewing 12 of 12 posts

The Hero Wearing a Crown of Thorns
On Good Friday, Jesus doesn’t save by escaping or retaliating but with a crown of thorns and a cross

The Work of Christ
Representative and substitute, atoning death, and victorious resurrection

Flattening the Curve and Being Flattened By the Curve (Sin)
The death and resurrection of Christ and the eradication of the curve (sin)

Melito of Sardis: Homily on the Pasch
A reading and reflection at Easter

Good Friday: Day of Prayer and Fasting
A guide for navigating the EFCA day of prayer and fasting

Palm Sunday: Reflections During "Shelter in Place"
Celebrating Jesus' triumphal entry amid the COVID-19 outbreak

Ash Wednesday: Dignity, Depravity and Destiny
Providing biblical and historical context on the season of Lent

Good Friday and Easter
Readings for reflection on Easter weekend