VBS Missions Project Hope Play
One of the most universal components of culture in our world is play. From the wealthiest cities to the most remote villages in regions of poverty children are found playing. Play is one of the most important factors which influences how a child learns and grows. Often, kids in poverty are forced to grow up too fast as a result of their need to work or to care for younger siblings. Little lives are robbed of the hope, joy and developmental learning that play brings. Play is a vital part of a child’s beginning.
Every year GlobalFingerprints creates a supplemental missions project which can be used by churches during Vacation Bible School programs. The project can also be used by Sunday School teachers, Children’s Church leaders, Awana groups, or even as a home schooling project. These projects allow kids in America to connect with the kids around the globe who are in need. This year we are excited to introduce Hope Play! The concept behind Hope Play stems from the importance of play in the development, learning, and joy of children everywhere.
The Hope Play material will teach VBS kids in the States about how children play in other countries. Whether its finding balled up newspaper to create a soccer ball, or inventing other games with whatever’s available, kids in the most remote regions of the world always find a way to play despite their limited resources. The funds raised through Hope Play will provide GlobalFingerprints sites in Haiti, Congo, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Zambia and Lebanon with the ability to purchase play equipment for children living in extreme poverty.
How to get involved
There are many ways to help out with the Hope Play project this year.
1. Provide your church, or churches in your area with the Hope Play supplemental material to be used during VBS. This tool can be found and downloaded on the GlobalFingerprints website and includes:
- An introduction to Hope Play and GlobalFingerprints child sponsorship program
- A letter to parents
- Daily stories from Congo, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Liberia and Zambia
- Games and crafts inspired by kids around the world
2. Consider volunteering at a church VBS program and be a direct advocate for the kids! Or use the project in a Sunday School class, for children’s church, Awana group, or for a home-schooling project.
3. Pass on this information to someone you know who works in children’s ministry.
4. Give towards the Hope Play fund to support the purchase of play equipment for kids around the globe.
5. And finally, but most importantly, Pray! Prayer support is the most valuable tool for advancing the kingdom of God within his perfect plan. Pray for volunteers and staff who will be ministering to children through this material, and pray for the sites who will be receiving the funding for the children in their care.
Learn more
If you want to learn more about the VBS material and the Hope Play fund, visit our website: Hope Play . There are also additional videos which show how kids play in different cultures. GlobalFingerprints loves to find and support individuals who would like to be advocates in their churches and area on educating others on how to impact the children around the world. Get connected on our website or through Facebook to find out ways to become an advocate for needy kids around the world.
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