Post List
Viewing 12 of 27 posts
Extending Gospel Ministries and the Era of Social Distancing
Partners with the President with April Warfield
Unrestricted God
How a London missionary shared the gospel during COVID-19 lockdown
Facing This Present Trauma
How the Church can offer healing and hope to those with mental illness
Rest: Our Most Accepted Negligence
Three practical tips for resting in a busy world
How Transformational Churches Impact Individuals
Partners with the President with Pastor Bill Riedel
Taking the Pulse of Student Ministry
Q&A with Rob Weise, student ministries coordinator for EFCA Forest Lakes District
Bending the COVID Bow of Bronze
One pastor's struggle toward hope in God
Contending for Community as Quarantines Lift
Part 3 in a series on leading through COVID-19
5 Ways to Lead Through a Crisis and Into the Future
Part 2 in a series on leading through COVID-19
In Good Company
Part 1 in a series on leading through COVID-19