Joey Woestman

Joey Woestman is the Pastor of Teaching and Discipleship at Faith Church in Indianapolis. He is both book smart and accident-prone, which is a winning combination. He likes reading theology and philosophy books written by dead guys and is often found thinking about how the church should relate to the culture. He loves eating legit Mexican food and going on adventures with his wife, Jenna, and their daughter,  Analie. He has three cats, chickens, and every hobby he can convince his wife to allow him to spend money on, and a pathetically large number of unread books on his shelves.


Post List

Viewing 9 of 9 posts

A Must-Read for Those Who Doubt

Review of “Questioning Faith: Indirect Journeys of Belief through Terrains of Doubt” by Randy Newman.

  • Joey Woestman

July 18, 2024

On Being Plastic

"Barbie" offers the burden of self-creation. Christ provides the gift of new creation.

  • Joey Woestman

March 21, 2024

Remember, You Are Dust

An ancient practice helped our church reconnect with Lent. I think yours could too.

  • Joey Woestman

February 22, 2023

Friday Is a Good Day to Die

I’m not Anglican. But a centuries-old practice from The Book of Common Prayer changed the way I think about the weekend.

  • Joey Woestman

October 18, 2022

Exposure to a Whole New World

Reviews of Free At Last? The Gospel in the African-American Experience, by Carl F. Ellis, Jr.

  • Joey Woestman

  • Adrian Boykin

October 19, 2020